
Archive for August, 2010

Back to business

There are times in the lives of all writers when writer’s block or a simple case of laziness intrudes upon their creativity. This has been a problem that has hindered my writing for the past couple of weeks. While trying to maintain a household, readying one daughter for college and sending the other off to her senior year of college, adapting to having much more time for myself and not quite knowing how to handle it…well, writer’s block set in and then I seemed to develop a severe case of writer laziness.

I have gotten myself through the kids going off to school and the house is beginning to have some semblance of a home again. The refrigerator is still empty and the cupboards need filling (writer laziness coexists with general laziness~in my case anyway) and I really, really should finish paying our bills for August. Other than those two really pending issues, I think I am beginning to get myself back into the groove.

With the start of this new part of my life (EMPTY NEST!) I am finding some good things. I can write at any time of night or day without worrying I will either not be there if someone needs me or I will miss something desperately important that needs my attention. My characters are waking up and are insisting that I devote time to them…a good sign since the writer’s block had them silenced for a few days. For those of you who write…..this is an exasperating feeling…..wanting to write and staring at an empty computer screen! Excuses abound as to why I didn’t have time to write or couldn’t write at a certain time or was needed for something else…but they are all just that……excuses.

So, I am back at it. Notice I’ve been missing from my blog for a week?!?!? I finally did and now it is time to kick myself into gear and put myself (and my stories) back into perspective.

Okay….today I will finish those pesky payments of bills! However, as soon as I am done with them it is back to business as usual.

Back to business and feelin’ great,


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A writer’s nook

What do most writers keep in their writing area? I have seen photos online of the offices of other writers and most are neat, with a few books in neat bookcases and a computer/laptop on the desk. Personally, I think these photos are either staged or taken after a thorough cleaning  because the writers on Facebook who describe their nooks and offices seem to follow my own messy regime.  However, I am beginning to believe mine is by far the one most in need of purging.

At times entering my “nook” can be a bit scary. Stacks of books, stacks of papers, a few trinkets here and there and some pictures scattered about that are useful in character development.  I have research papers on my genealogy stacked in there as well…and a few personal photos that I need to scan into my archive.

Every few months I wage a campaign to clean this room. Sometimes it nears total completion..although more likely than not either Facebook or my WIP or a genealogy tip win out in the end and the cleaning urges go away!

I love my nook, and I am pledging again to get it into shape. This is my own little space…and where I love to write…and when it gets to the point where I can’t write for worrying about those stacks of papers and books and stuff…it is time to get organized again so my mind doesn’t wonder from writing to cleaning! Crazy!!

I’ll be wading in this weekend…hope to finally complete it,


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If I could….

In the past few weeks I have become addicted to a television show called House Hunters. LOVE, love, love this show. For those who do not watch or get HGTV this is a program that follows a person or family purchasing a new home. The national program shows them looking at three different homes within the same city while the international program shows the purchaser as they look for either a new home or vacation spot in countries around the world.

I love these new places that I see. Not only do I get to “visit” different cities and countries, but I also get to see how others live in these places. Million dollar homes in fabulous cities amaze me. Cottages and centuries old homes in European countries have such character. New homes for those first starting families are so full of charm.

It doesn’t really help me in my writing, although I do admit seeing these far away places…the landscapes as well as the homes…can really spark my imagination. It makes me wonder…if I could travel or purchase any place that I wanted, what would I do?

…who knows, maybe these virtual tours of other places are inspirational for my creativity after all,


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In just a few short days, for the first time in many years, this house will be “child-free”. Both children are now grown, the oldest has been in college for three years now and the youngest leaves for college life in exactly one week. We live our lives with the children and their needs in mind and one day they are off to live their own lives. Odd. It goes from a full house one day to the lack of kids the next.

It never took me very long to adjust to the pitter patter of little girls’ feet…at all hours of the night and day. I love having their company, their input on my writing and my interests. It has most definitely been influential on my choices in life having the kids around….I have been blessed with children who were not only my offspring but my friends as well. They no longer are tiny…both are grown…but we still are blessed to count each other as best friends in a number of ways.

Late night talks and refrigerator raids have been something we’ve shared for years. So it is with pride and a heavy heart that I know in one week both of my kids will be living elsewhere. They have been wonderful, encouraging me to write more with my newfound free time…and they want me to let go of being a full-time mommy and develop a life centered more around my own interests. While I do look forward to a real “grownup” life I would be lying if I said I look forward to the peace and quiet of having my girls off at college. I am going to miss them terribly but I am so proud of them for beginning their own grownup lives.

They will always come back home, now and again. I’ll never lose them totally. But it does take some getting used to….

I get the feeling life for me..at least for a while..will be a bit different. I can focus on myself, something I haven’t done for a very long time. I can focus on my writing, without stopping to let them access youTube or download whatever it is they MUST have. I can maybe keep the house a bit cleaner (note I say maybe).

To my daughters, have a wonderful year filled with promise and begin building your lives, your futures. I am always here and will always have a room for you should you need it. Enjoy your education and make friends with all those other mothers’ and fathers’ kids who are also moving into dorms, apartments and new lives. We’ve begun a new chapter in our lives.

As you spread your wings and take flight, I promise to exercise my wings…and explore new things as well. We still have lots to share in the years ahead.

And remember I, as are most parents in my shoes this year, am just a text or a call or a visit away,


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Although I missed attending the RWA ’10 convention in Orlando, I have seen many wonderful pictures of authors, agents and publishers enjoying meetings, lunches, outings and other convention fare. One addition event was a raffle in honor of one of romance’s own writers who is currently a breast cancer patient, Jennifer Haymore. A beautiful lady and a fabulous writer (I have been a fan of hers for quite a while), this raffle was for critiques, for books and for having a character in an upcoming Haymore book named after the winner. What a wonderful publisher! My sincere admiration to you, Forever Romance!

Remember to give to your favorite cancer organization each year. It is from these funds that cures will be found and patients receive extra support. Based on personal losses, I often favor the American Lung Association (in memory of my sister and grandmother) and the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund and Gilda Radner Familial Ovarian Cancer Registry (in memory of my mom). There are so many associations that help with research funding, patient assistance and family support for battling many types of cancers…all could use a helping hand.

A little support goes a long way,


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